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Elephant Eldora at Resorts World🐘

Participating in the Elephant Parade, the Vegas Golden Knights have contributed to this initiative to conserve and care for the welfare of elephants. Exhibited at Resorts World, the Elephant Parade consists of 26 life-sized statues of baby elephants that are individually decorated. At the premiere, the Golden Knights unveiled their statue which they named “Eldora."

The name Eldora originates from the Spanish phrase, “covered in gold,” which correlates to the significance that the color gold has upon the Golden Knights organization and the City of Las Vegas. Embellished with elements that represent the teams affiliated with the organization, the statue is a representation of the strength and beauty that these animals hold.

Fans can go visit Eldora at Resorts World and see the other elephants that are apart of the Elephant Parade. To learn more about the Elephant Parade and its commitment to elephant conservation and welfare, fans can go to