

Alex Tuch Gives Thoughts on Game of Thrones Finale

Alex Tuch Gives Thoughts on Game of Thrones Finale


The long-anticipated final episode of HBO’s Game of Thrones aired Sunday night and Golden Knights forward Alex Tuch shared his thoughts after the episode. Tuch said the episode left him wanting more and that he wasn’t all too happy with how the plot wrapped up.

“I was loyal fan from day one of Game of Thrones,” Tuch said. “I’ve loved watching it, I thought they had done a great job with character development and everything like that, and then, they just went on a rampage.”

The revelation of Bran Stark being named the King took Tuch by surprise as he thought the character would have been “a tree or a three-eyed raven by now.” Tuch said the end of Daenerys Targaryen’s story was a bit too easy to predict and that he’s unhappy with Jon Snow’s assignment to the Night’s Watch.

“I really was hoping that Jon Snow was going to be on the throne,” Tuch said.

As Arya Stark finished the series by sailing off an on adventure and her sister, Sansa, became the Queen in the North, Tuch said he wasn’t surprised to see those two characters remain on the paths they’d been on since the series started.

“Overall, I thought they did a really good job with the show,” said Tuch. “Was I confused at times? Yes. Mad at times? Of course. I’ve been a loyal fan of the show and I loved watching it. To the writers: good job.”

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