

Turkey Day Testimonials πŸ¦ƒ

Turkey Day Testimonials πŸ¦ƒ

We asked a couple of guys around the room what their opinions were about the various dishes from both American and Canadian Thanksgiving.

When asked about their favorites, mashed potatoes were a popular answer with Brayden McNabb, Nic Hague, and Mike Amadio, all showing love for the classic dish. Some of the more niche favorites were Brett Howden with creamed corn and Alec Martinez who switched his answer from sweet potato casserole to stuffing. Keegan Kolesar, on the other hand, admitted that he typically opts for Chinese food on Thanksgiving.

Martinez went on to express his appreciation for all Thanksgiving dishes by saying β€œThe worst side is not having all the sides”.

 When it comes to cranberry sauce, unsurprisingly, Alec Martinez stated he was a fan, whereas Brayden McNabb was emphatic in his distaste for the side dish while Nic Hague, Brett Howden, and Mike Amadio were all rather impartial on the topic.

 Coach Bruce Cassidy went with the centerpiece of most Thanksgiving dinners, Turkey partnered with gravy that wasn’t too thick. He also weighed in on the cranberry sauce debate, joining Alec Martinez in his appreciation for the dish.

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