

12 Knights of Giving: CCSD Ball Hockey Blacktops – Ribbon Cutting

12 Knights of Giving: CCSD Ball Hockey Blacktops – Ribbon Cutting

The Vegas Golden Knights Foundation unveiled a new ball hockey rink at Walter E. Jacobson Elementary as a part of their initiative to give back to the community this holiday season.

With this event also marks the start of Operation Knight Courts, a drive to create places where future generations can be introduced to hockey throughout the Golden Knights’ Realm.

The Vegas Golden Knights Foundation is thrilled spread holiday cheer and to continue the sport of hockey throughout the Las Vegas Community!

By Amber Dammeir

12 Knights of Giving: LosVGK Holiday Grocery Surprise

12 Knights of Giving: LosVGK Holiday Grocery Surprise

12 Knights of Giving: "Warm the Soles"

12 Knights of Giving: "Warm the Soles"