

City National Holds Charity Game, 'Play for Shay'

City National Holds Charity Game, 'Play for Shay'

Friday night, City National Arena played host to a charity hockey game to support injured metro police officer, Shay Mikalonis. Shay was in attendance and was cheered on by over 350 people in the stands.

The game was played by members of UNLV hockey, Las Vegas Metro Police Department, some pro players in town and even Golden Pipes, Carnell Johnson. Teams were captained by Golden Knights’ own Shane Hnidy and Deryk Engelland.

The game went on without a hitch and all proceeds went straight to Shay himself.

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Vegas Reveals Their Team Name, Head Coach and Logo on Reveal Knight II: IFL Edition

Dave Goucher and Double Minor Play at The Space 🎸

Dave Goucher and Double Minor Play at The Space 🎸